As the world of business becomes ever more global, more and more companies and organizations are looking to move their most popular content to one of many online platforms. From tutorials on how to do anything from cut your own hair to fix a washing machine, all the way up to interactive webinars where participants can complete tasks and contact the organizer with questions, there is something online for everyone.
But amid this plethora of online information, how do you make your content stand out? More importantly, how do you stay on brand and on voice, as well as on-topic, throughout an entire video?
Alpha has many years of audio-video expertise, making us uniquely placed to embrace this growing trend, and help our clients realize their potential for growing their online video content. We already had an ongoing partnership with the organization TAUS, so when they were looking for someone to help create an eLearning webinar, we were keen to get started!
TAUS is a global network and think tank dedicated to promoting global communication within the language industries and beyond. They were working on an eLearning course about transcreation, the latest buzz word on the block in the language sector. They decided they would continue to create a video on the theory behind transcreation, but wanted to complement it with a practical component. And that’s where Alpha came in.
We were asked to use our expertise in all things language to put together a video that was 25 minutes long and gave participants the chance to have a go at putting the theory component into practice. The video was to feature a talking head (our own CMO Paul Mangell) combined with animated visuals. The whole thing was to be fully scripted, and include three exercises based around marketing, transcreation and copywriting. These exercises were based on the results of a previous research project run by TAUS and Alpha.
The aim was for the entire video to be educational, yet inclusive. It had to provide information for everyone from linguists to students, and even businesses looking to find out more about the translation industry and the different options available to them.
It also had to combine the visual branding of both TAUS and Alpha, and of course have a similar style and voice to the theory component of the eLearning course. A challenge overall, but one we couldn’t wait to throw ourselves into!
The key to creating a successful eLearning video was our collaboration with TAUS. It was critical that both Alpha and TAUS were on the same page, given the interlinking nature of the two eLearning videos. We worked closely with both the Product Manager and Digital Marketing Manager at TAUS to establish the spheres of each eLearning video and where and to what degree the videos would reference each other, as well as the branding.
The collaboration didn’t stop there. Having written the full script, including the exercises, which featured examples of translations and back-translations, we made sure that TAUS signed it off. Their feedback was critical to ensuring that our script dovetailed nicely with their own theoretical video.
The key area of our expertise was of course the exercises: these were the reason that TAUS had asked us to collaborate with them on the video. We used real-life examples of marketing translations, transcreations and copywriting in different languages, with back-translations into English to keep the video accessible to all. These real-life examples gave the video authenticity with the viewers, who are trusting Alpha’s many years’ experience. These exercises also put the focus onto the audience, allowing them to take their learning into their own hands and try out the exercises for themselves. We then provided a suggestion for how each brief could be met as reference so that they could compare it with their own solutions.
The visuals for the video were created and animated by one of Alpha’s designers working with an AV expert. Based around the exercises, they highlighted the key points being made by the narration, while maintaining interest in the video itself. They used a diagram that had previously been designed by TAUS, and edited it so that it suited the framework of the video. This repeated style of diagram also showed continuity with the theoretical component of the course.
The branding of both Alpha and TAUS was applied seamlessly throughout the video. This was particularly important, as TAUS provide a number of eLearning courses. This video had to fit in with the rest of their online eLearning content, and continue to express their voice and brand.
These visuals were finally put together and edited with the talking head and narration, provided by Alpha’s CMO Paul Mangell. Paul has previously been a panelist at several TAUS forums, and is known as an expert in this field. His reputation enhanced the desirability of the videos, as well as adding to their authenticity.
TAUS were incredibly pleased with the final video, and so were we! It featured both TAUS and Alpha’s branding, which was critical to ensuring that both organizations gained exposure and credit for the videos.
The videos themselves were accessible to anyone with an interest in or desire to learn more about transcreation. They were designed to be engaging and informative for their audience – an introduction to the more creative aspects of the translation industry.
We look forward to collaborating in the future with TAUS on more eLearning videos.