13 February 2024

Flirting with a sweet one

Flirting with a sweet one

One of our clients, a well-known kitchen appliance brand (probably best loved for their barista-at-home coffee machines), wanted to send out a seasonal marketing e-mail. The occasion is Valentine’s day.

It started out: “Open if Single, or Note”. “Love at first bite”, followed by “Relationship Status: with food.”

Kind of playful and clever. And, if you scroll down, you will agree, the berry-laden meringue cake certainly looks alluring.

But a tough nut to crack for our creative translators, or a hard cookie to crumble, to stay with the theme. On a busy day with multiple deliveries lurking and deadlines looming as well as a seminar on SEO to attend, perhaps you are not quite in the mood to compose a sexy, enticing mail. And perhaps you don’t share that anticipation of an exciting Valentine’s day. And of course you are painfully aware that you don’t have a full day’s budget to come up with ideas. Put to the test, perhaps you did, or would, just like me, turn to ALPHA AI. Not for the real thing, but for a bit of inspiration.



I’d like some inspiration for a Valentine’s day marketing e-mail. The first line is:
“Relationship status: with food”.
For comparision I’d like it in German, French and Italian, please.


Certainly, here you go:

DE: Beziehungsstatus: Vergeben an Essen.
FR: En couple avec la nourriture.
IT: Stato relazionale: impegnato/a con il cibo.


Hmm, not so sure. All seems a bit literal if you ask me. To give me a few more ideas to play with, can you suggest any clever alternatives in English?


Certainly! If you’re looking for alternative humorous takes on a relationship status that involves food, here are a few options:

  1. “In a committed relationship with pizza.”
  2. “Married to mac and cheese.”
  3. “Engaged to tacos.”
  4. “It’s complicated with ice cream.”
  5. “In an open relationship with chocolate.”
  6. “Having an affair with sushi.”
  7. “Dating a cheeseburger.”
  8. “My soulmate is a cupcake.”
  9. “Eternally flirting with french fries.”
  10. “In a love triangle with coffee and donuts.”

These playful statuses can be used on social media profiles or as light-hearted responses when someone asks about your relationship status, especially if you’re a food enthusiast or just want to bring a smile to someone’s face.


Hmm, a little over-the-top, and cheesy, in my opinion. But thank you for your suggestions. Perhaps you can help with the rest of the text. It needs to be somewhat playful and tempting, with a bit of humour, retaining the sweetness. Here is the English source.

“If you do or don’t have a special someone to spend Valentine’s Day with, chocolate can always be relied upon to either a) show your love or b) fill the void.

Spend some quality time with our collection of go-to appliances that are sure to sweeten up your Valentine’s Day — sweetheart or no sweetheart required.”


But of course. Here are my suggestions:

DE: Egal, ob Sie einen besonderen Menschen haben, mit dem Sie den Valentinstag verbringen können oder nicht, Schokolade ist immer verlässlich, um entweder a) Ihre Liebe zu zeigen oder b) die Leere zu füllen. Verbringen Sie etwas Qualitätzeit mit unserer Auswahl an unverzichtbaren Geräten, die Ihren Valentinstag garantiert versüßen werden – ganz gleich, ob mit oder ohne Liebsten.

FR: Que vous ayez ou non quelqu’un de spécial avec qui passer la Saint-Valentin, le chocolat peut toujours être compté sur lui pour a) montrer votre amour ou b) combler le vide. Passez un moment de qualité avec notre collection d’appareils incontournables qui sont sûrs d’adoucir votre Saint-Valentin — pas besoin d’avoir un(e) chéri(e) pour en profiter.

IT: Che tu abbia o meno una persona speciale con cui trascorrere il giorno di San Valentino, il cioccolato può sempre essere considerato affidabile per a) dimostrare il tuo amore o b) colmare il vuoto. Trascorri del tempo di qualità con la nostra collezione di elettrodomestici essenziali che sono sicuri di rendere più dolce il tuo San Valentino — che tu abbia o meno un dolce metà.


Dear Reader, if you’re stuck with finding an original solution for your Valentin(a), perhaps you too could consider enlisting the help of AI. But as the above examples illustrate, quite a bit of creative effort might still be required from you, to give it that special touch of finesse and humour – and make it fit for purpose.

Just don’t forget it may not be private, unless you use ALPHA AI within the ALPHA Playground.

Find below my final version – wishing you a delicious Valentine’s Day.

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